Kamis, 19 Agustus 2010

Parting Shot-Day 1 of the Parking Lot Sale.

Day one of the Parking Lot Sale is in the books. Great showing today by a bunch a great people. Hopefully everybody found a piece (or in most cases-tons of pieces) that will work nicely for them.

From the moment we opened until the time we close up the shop (turned out to be 6pm), we were selling all sorts of neat and hard to find pieces of exotic wood-Lumber, Slabs, Turning Stock, Logs, Billets, etc...

The highlight of the day was selling the our large Mun Ebony billet. It was kind of sad to see it go but we are sure it will look amazing once it is finished.

Anyways here is a parting shot for all of you that plan on visiting us in the next couple of days. Hopefully it gets you guys excited to pick up some neat woods.-

Another happy customer- Large burl caps, masur birch, cocobolo, snakewood.
Talk about a kid in a candy store!

These are some serious burls! If you are up for the challenge we have got some stuff that will knock your socks off!

Fits like a glove...

Who needs a pickup truck when you have an $80,000 Audi with a trunk like that!

See everyone tomorrow for day two of the sale!

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